Thursday, February 7, 2013


Yesterday morning Nathan would not get out of bed and would throw a fit if I turned the lights on. I was sick of the drama so I started on breakfast w/ Jacob, who just pops right out of bed and even helped me make breakfast. Trenton was on the floor being soo well behaved.

We got pancakes made and on the table. I yelled for Nathan to get in here and eat or he is going to school in his Pj's. Jacob ate 14 tiny pancakes before N came out of his room. N sat there with a pout on his face - REFUSING- to eat pancakes because he wanted cereal.

As noted in blogs before -- I AM THE PARENT-- and --I DON'T BARTER. (I have to remind myself of this sometime because Nathan likes to try to take over the parent roll) It's eat the pancakes OR go to school hungry. (WHICH HE DID) I also told him to get in the living room and get dressed or he was going to school in pj's.. and it was close but he managed to get dressed before I got them all in the car.

I am FUMING mad b/c Brian is on his way home and always teases me about being late which I AM NOT.  Just so happens this morning I am totally running late. As I am backing out of the driveway and driving down the street a voice from behind me says "Mama, I know your mad, but you still have to wear your seatbelt.......(long pause.. BIG SMILE) .. BECAUSE  I LOVE YOU MOM"

Times like this were you want to thump him on the forehead and kiss him at the same time. (but honestly .... I was leaning towards the thump!)

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