We baptized Trenton this last Sunday. Here are a few pics (thanks Mike!) from the big event. Trenton did great except the whole dodging Pastor Sue when she tried to put a cross on his forehead. She had to try 3 times to get it done! LOL.. Can I just say that its EXTREMELY hard to hold a child in satin!!! I somehow got him to go to sleep right after the baptism too so that helped. It was extremly quiet considering I had 3 nephews and 2 of my best friends boys in the service with us!
Barb and Yvette were Trenton's sponsors. I wanted to make sure I had Great people who would make sure that Christ was always present in his life and hold me accountable for making sure I have them at church every Sunday! (These two are great at making sure I make NO excuses!) Thanks Girls!! Here are some pics!
I want to thank all our family and friends who made this special day. It means a lot to us to have you there for Trenton's big day!
Cold water is nothing for this boy! |
He got a bit fussy.. for a second. |
The girls are laughing because she couldn't get him to hold still. |
Announcing him to the congregation! |
Jacob is praying "Dear God is it over yet?" LOLOLOL |
Me and Yaya and T-man! |
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