Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Remember when your mom told you "You can do anything you set your mind to do?"

On Sunday we were having some rebel potty issues. Nathan decided to pee in his pants. I kind of got a little madder than I should have, but in my defense I was the one who had to completely disassemble a car seat and wash it and reassemble it.
He was still mad at me for punishing him, so at dinner not an hour later he peed AGAIN. This time I let it slide.. I pulled him aside later and explained how going in the potty makes me "SOOO HAPPY". Brian had gotten a shower w/ the boys and as usual they run off naked and play the catch me game. Nathan was dry and ran away, I was finishing drying Jacob when I hear "I went pop poo"... being yelled from another room. I frantically went to find out what he was yelling about. He greets me and says "MOM, I MADE A HALF MOON" and much to my dismay, I was infact half moon shaped (and in his potty!!!). So proud he was acting good again, we just celebrated. About 5 mins later he yells "MOM I have to go AGAIN", so we run to the potty. I leave him there for a minute when I hear him yell "MOM I MADE A SNAKE."
 So proud again we celebrated w/ ice cream.

He wakes up this morning. Sits on the potty and I ask him "Do you need to go poo poo?"
He replys "I want to make a STAR poo poo". My reply "Good luck with that" I figured this is not where I shatter his dreams and tell him he can do anything he sets his heart to do. LOL


  1. You could always use a cookie cutter and make him think he did it.

  2. I am not THAT good of a mom... LOL
