So we went trunk or treating on Sunday night. It was a blast. Jacob only put on his costume because of the buzz light year wings (press a button and they fly out.. press again they zip back in! thanks Shelly for letting us borrow them) They had a blast. Jacob was all business.. Nathan was having fun. Jacob thinks because he is so cute he should get about 15 pieces of candy from each person. LOL.. he starts taking handfuls and doesn't stop until you tell him. Cracks me up!
So this was halloween night. We met at my cousins house seems to be a tradition now. Nathan was really good at keeping up with the big kids until about 1/3 of the way through. He looked up at Brian and said "I don't want anymore candy i wanna go home" Jacob was the stroller Nazi. He would tell me "push push" i would push him 5 feet from the door, he got out got candy came back and said "sit". He lasted the whole way. They had a blast and were so proud of their loot!
faith LOVED helping Jacob |
pooped out nathan hitched a ride |
jacob, nathan, rylie, dc, faith, & michael (all cousins) |
me, craig (my bro), heather and ryan (my cousins) |
Mr. invisible! LOLOLOL |
I would add we got our moneys worth out of our costumes. I think we have worn the dash costume everyday since we got it almost a month ago...
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