Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sweet Spence Boys!

Well to start at naptime today I could hear nathan in his room talking. After approaching his room I could hear him singing a twisted version of "Jesus loves me/ twinkle twinkle little star" I was so sweet i hit record on my phone, crept in and recorded 3 mins of the sweetest music a mother can hear! I will treasure it always.
Earlier in the day we went to meet the teacher day at the boys Mothers Day Out school. Jacob wanted to keep the cars we were playing with in the room. I traded my keys and pen for the cars so we would not have tears upon leaving. I buckled in the boys and proceeded to tell Nathan we were going to go to Kroger. (He has to know what we are doing step by step) Anyhow we pulled up and I was getting my list and coupons in order to make our trip faster. I may have sat there for 2-3 mins. I turn around to see this:

The first words out of my mouth were "I deserve that" He after all was saying "color, color, color", but in true mother fashion I had tuned him out. I proudly took him in to Kroger challenging any stranger to ask, God knows their kids did the same! Little terrors!! I love my little monkeys!

We took a trip to Round Rock last weekend to visit w/ my brother and sister in law.. and throw my other brother in law and soon to be sister in law a wedding shower. We ended up leaving around 3:30pm. I kept the boys up thinking that they would nap on the almost two hour drive there. We made a BIG mistake. Jacob was SO ANNOYING the entire ride there. He was just chanting words or phrases, he kept pinching nathan... then just started fussing.  Here is proof brian got of our fun ride... I love nathans pics!

Here are some fun pics in the last few weeks!
took an hour to clean this mess up...

something poked dad in the head while driving to gigis

daddy took nathan "phishing" at gigi's he "didnt catch anything" w/ a cork LOL
jacobs way of being tucked in at night
sniffing flowers at chick fil a

fun w/ our dickies cups

potty training

ocd lego building nathan

dino play

we love bank and trust suckers

daddys a ham

no ones drowning on my watch

future dentist?

getting my baby fill

Saturday, August 20, 2011

J -tubs went on the potty!!!

I am SOOOOOO excited tonight Jacob peed in the little potty. I know for all you non parents this is no big deal... but let me tell you. THIS IS HUGE. I have seen this kid pee maybe 5-7 times .. like 2 times in the shower... 2 times at the pool (you just keep laughing barb....he peed on me for all those wondering !!) and a couple of times right after he got out of the shower running around the house naked (yes even the time on our bed! GRRRR) He is such a shy pee-er! Nathan was peeing in the little potty by 17 months, and on command in the shower way before that... .. Jacob is 20 months so this is really exciting!

You would know JUST as Nathan starts using the big potty exclusively ... Jacob starts using the little potty.. Guess I will be potty training 3 years straight. But hey if that means no more diapers.. I am game~!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


We were hanging out at my neighbors house last night watching the lightening roll in. Our neighbor Mr. Jim pulled some chocolate out of the boys ears (his little trick to give them chocolate). They were a miss so we went to clean their hands in the waterhose. Nathan yelled that ants were biting him. I pulled off his shoes and cleaned his feel off. He kept on saying that it hurt later that night. We noticed this morning his foot was swollen and he has a huge puss mark like he had been bitten by a fire ant. I numbed it with orajel and popped it. But his foot hasnt gone down at all.. Here was a pic tonight at bedtime! Ouch!

His foot is so swollen his toes are curling.

see how red it is.. its real puffy on top
nathan was mad b/c brian drew on his foot to make sure it wasn't spreading

see the bite on his right foot (left one in pic) by his big toe.

Will keep you updated!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Deer-cow, that doesnt sound so good....!

So we all stayed up way to late at the poker party last night. So nap this afternoon was nice and long. I went in to wake up nay at 6:15. I haven't been cooking much, first because it so dead gum hot outside, second because something died behind the wall of my stove so everything i cook smells like death. (will have to wait a week or two for it to go away.. booo).
We just had one of my grandmas cows processed so our freezer is PACKED. Figured I would cook some ground meat tonight. 
So i thought i would redneck it tonight and do some cheeseburger macaroni hamburger helper. I was sitting on the couch with Nathan whom I had just woken up and said "Nay would like some cheeseburger macaroni hamburger helper for dinner" He says " yes mommie". I said would you like it with deer meat or cow meat?" He didnt reply. So i asked again...he reply's "mommie, deer-cow doesn't sound so good, deer-cow sounds yucky". I fell off the couch!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bad bugs, Good boys!

I have been ever so scared since I found a scorpion in our house 2 years ago. I have gone through a lot of training with Nathan letting him know that they are "danger danger". He has always seemed to keep Jacob out of trouble and letting me know when Jacob does something that could harm himself. (ie; "MOMMY JACAOB HAS A KNIFE" .. he has fast fingers and can climb people!!! )
So anyhow Brian and I were hanging around one afternoon and Jacob starts yelling something. We dont quite know what he is saying.. but he is stomping his foot and keeps repeating something. Turns out he was yelling "Bad Bug" and chasing a scorpion at a safe distance I might add and threating its life with his foot.
 Brian killed it and Nathan flushed it in the potty.
The very next day, I hear Jacob yelling the exact phrase "Bad Bug". I go running and sure enough he has found another one in the SAME place. 

I am so glad to know that even though he doesnt reiterate everything like his brother does, He DOES INDEED learn by watching and listening. He let us know this when allie barked on sunday and he replyed "SHUT UP ALLIE"

Brian and I both looked at each other and never discussed it... think we will be watching our words more closely!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Nathans fist trip to the potty ALONE!

We were shopping in kroger yesterday, I was just about to get milk (see thats why i forgot it  from last post). Nathan says "Momma I need to go tee tee". So I divert from my routine and head over to the bathroom. I had a cart full of grocery's w/ my purse under it all and Jacob in it.... and Nathan was dancing around because he had to go so bad.  I said "nathan can you go to the bathroom by yourself?" He said "yes" So Jacob me and the cart stood at the door and let him in. I watched him walk 8 feet infront of me go into the big stall. I shut the door and was looking at the clearance table in front of the door. About every 30 seconds i opened the door and said "Nathan you ok?" He would say " yes mama, go away!"
So after the fifth time I opened the door I said "Nathan are you done yet?" He come to the stall door opens it and says "yes", So i replied "get out here so we can go".

He walks out of the stall w/ NO SHOES, NO UNDERWEAR, NO PANTS!!! I am thinking... wth? HOW AND WHY does a boy need to strip from the waist down to pee? Isnt that the main reason being a guy is awesome? He then sits his naked butt on the floor and starts trying to put his feet in his underwear.. I just yell at his to get his butt of that dirty floor and bring me his clothes. He brought them all to the door and I helped him put them on fast w/o sitting on the floor. 

I turn around to stick him in the cart w/ jacob and an elderly woman was standing behind me. She puts her hand on my shoulder and said "You just made my day! I have four boys and I had totally forgotten these lovely mother moments" All I could do was blush and smile, and of course AGREE!

Grrrrrr and super zero!

So I was woken up multiple times last night. Jacob for whatever reason got up at 12, 2 ,and 7 am. Thought these days were over. Jacob at 7 had taken off his diaper and peed in his bed. GRRRRRRR.. by the time i got that cleaned up and layed him down Nathan was up asking for waffles. Screw it... we are all up. So while making waffles this is the converstaion..
N: Mommie i want waffles... mommie... i want a green spooon..... mommie i want my mickie bowl... mommie this is a yuckie banana (peel left on the table from last night)... mommie i need milk
ME: Nathan we dont have milk i forgot it at kroger yesterday .. you get juice.
N: NOooo mommie... i needxxxxxxxx.. i want.xxxxxxxx ( i stopped listening at this point..he isnt cussing)
Me: ( while cutting and buttering waffels) Nathan how many arms do I have??
N: 1,2,3,4,5,6!!!!
Me: (laugh) Nathan I have TWO i am not a super hero.
N: momma... your not a super zero... I AM.
Me: Yes nathan your a mamas super zero! LOL

Ps: i need a nap. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sweet boys in church~

So we are in church this morning. The boys dressed adorable and know it. Jacob is flirting with anyone who will look at him.. being quite a ham. We started singing a song and nathan started "brian" singing (where you singing the song and dont know the words.. yeah brian i outted you!) It was funny because he would actually sing what i sang just 2-3 seconds after i did. Then every time we said AMEN... nathan would say it right afterwards really loud. It just made me smile so big! They even prayed their little hands while we prayed (now realize I am telling you the good stuff ... there was bad..we are going there)

 We went up to the front for the kid sermon and they were squirming all around. J starts banging his feet..Nathan sees it.. so he starts. Four legs and my two arms.. well lets just say i stopped most of it.. but you cant beat them infront of the congregation...  it was funny.  We had so many people tell us how cute they were, one lady said "I missed early service and now I am so glad I did so I could see your boys in church".

Just made this moms day!