Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Stupid words like stupid.

So i do not recall using the word stupid in my vocab, but we were all in the bathtub the other night and i did something funny and nathan says "Mom your stupid".  Wow it was as if he told me he hated me (he has told me he didnt like me anymore). My heart was broken. Now I am on a mission to figure out where he heard it. I swear it has to be in monsters inc or ice age. Damn tv!!  Anyhow.
Things are going good otherwise. We spend alot of time outside riding our ride on toys and playing in the sand and water table or swingset. We have a garden.... but cannot brag about it because i swear i have defective dirt. For those of you who thing i tell big tales.. bite me. Come and see for yourself. I can water an hour an brush off the top 1/6 of the soil and its dry underneath. Booo... so we will see how it goes.. worst case senario... we now have a big expensive sand box. LOL

Today we played at a friends house and did and Easter egg hunt. The boys had a GREAT time. My friend also also happened to have a bunny and 2 chicks at her house for a project this weekend so we got a few fun bunny pics. Jacob went right up to it and started yelling "bunny". I think its so funny when he says something that I swear he didn't know before, but obviously picked up somewhere along the way.They learn to fast... (like when to use the word stupid)
easter basket fun. and you wonder why we used plastic ones w/ no grass...?

what are best friends for except to reinforce bad behavior! LOL

off we goooooooo

nathan takes after me.. would cheat small children to get their candy.

confused jacob just kept yelling "ball"

Jacob just likes holding the "balls"

so nathan utilizes both buckets!

nathan sharing or stealing.. not sure which?

nathan not smiling w/ bunny

nathan REALLY smiling




  1. My FAVE one is the one where you say N takes after you and 'cheats small children to take eggs.' HILARIOUS post!
