Well the Spence Family survived our Las Vegas Trip. It started at midnight the day we were going to leave. Jacob woke up screaming, after about an hour I figured out that it was indeed an earache. We were literally up the entire night. We got him to the doctor at 8am.. got medicine and were off to Austin to pick up Granny. Half way there it was evident that Jacob was NOT going to take that medicine and he was not happy about it. He screamed the entire way there. We picked up different meds in Austin and got them in Jacob successfully before we got to the airport. Nothing went smooth until we got to the airport, and at take off my stomach was so queezy. I just knew Jacob would scream the entire way there (3hours!) But at the first movement of the plane Jacobs eyes rolled into his head and he slept the entire way.
Nathan did great for a two year old. He must have opened and closed the window 400 times. I would have thought he would have watched monsters on his DVD player but instead he spent the whole time pushing all the buttons on it and opening and closing it.
While in Las Vegas, we enjoyed the pool,
and sight seeing at MGM GRAND'S Lion Habitat, the M&M store (which Nathan LOVED) and everyone's favorite the Mandalay Bay Shark Reef.
Brian decided that life wasn't wild enough so he thought he would JUMP OFF A BUILDING! What a Nut~~~! Check out the video!
We visited freemont street, and other fun attractions, and lost our play money there!
But had a ball doing it. I am addicted to the wheel of fortune slot machines! We saw 2 shows while we were there and had some fun out by ourselves while Granny watched the kiddos! Anyhow, we got a lot of exercise and were all worn out but somehow came home pretty rested. Although 20 mins before we got home at 1am on Saturday morning, Nathan started the inconsolable screaming that I knew to be an ear infection. So now he is on meds. We are all recovering now, but WOW what a trip. We could not have done it with out Granny (my mom)~!! But I think it will be a while before we venture off on another trip w/ 2 little ones, at least that far away from home!
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