Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Finally started one...

Well i figured that its about time i started documenting all the fun phrases, and new words and teeth that are going on in the Spence family. We have been busy as Nathan just completed his first 2 week swim lesson course, complete w/ a certificate and underwater pic!! He is doing fantastic. He will dive underwater by himself to fetch stuff, he scoops his arms and kicks his feet. We are no where near swimming by ourselves... but its a great start for his age for sure. His favorite is jumping in and going underwater.. and would have been the water slide until ... "the incident"!! His second trip down the slide he turned sideways and his head caught the end of a screw in the slide (way to go city of bryan might want to use flat sided screws next time!) Anyhow... nothing a cookie and toy story couldn't fix. We have some great pics of the goose egg though.

Jacob is crawling all over the place and pulling up on everything. He is hard to keep up with at the moment. He is getting ready to get his upper two teeth, and boy are we earning them hour by hour. He has been sooo cranky! But this kid is amazingly happy and a delight to have. His hair is coming in a bit thicker, and he is eating finger foods like a champ, though he gags alot at anything thick. Jacob started on this last friday with the "bababababa" which is not quite mama and not quite dada but a nice mix of it and a sheep! (Nathan didn't say mam until the week before Jacob was born!! )

Nathan is picking up talking a bit faster than i would like. I tell him thank you and he says "I welcome" which makes me laugh. He had learned "I want to go home","Go to the car" and "Watch tv". But our favorite two phrases are " MOM MEATLOAF" and "TEENIE WEENIES" which he loves to yell at the top of his lungs when prompted to do so. He also asks in the mornings "mom get up, break eggs, make cake cakes (pancakes)" He is growing up so fast. We are currently potty training. Most days we pee in the potty all day, but i am beginning to think the will be in diapers until he is 16 for doing #2!! I am staying patient but ... am needing serious prayers.


  1. Finally! For someone w/ as much material as you, it would be a waste if you didn't blog. :)

  2. Yay! I love the blog! I will become a follower of you and you need to follow mine. :)
