Wednesday, November 10, 2010

cookie crypts? .... and a fun week recap!

      So Nathan got to try Cookie crisps at cousin Ryan's house on Halloween weekend. Dad just mentioned telling me on Monday so when I was at the store I picked some up. He smiled so big when I pulled them out yesterday for breakfast. He asked "Mom can I have cookie crypts?".. I about peed in my pants. He also asked to eat them for lunch and dinner! What a Ham!!!

      We were at my neighbors house yesterday and my 80 something year old neighbor Jim did the "whats that in your ear Nathan?" and pulled on his ear and magically a peice of chocolate appears. Well three chocolates later my 2 year old is really conserned that there is still some left. I laughed and told him " there's another one but I cant get it yet". Three hours later he wakes up from his nap and comes and tells me "I'm hungry.. I want chocolate in my ear" ... You have to love kids!

Mean while.. Jacob is growing up and walking and moving faster than I  can keep up with. It was a bit chilly out the other day and I brought the boys to chick fil a to play in the play place. As luck would have it we were the only ones in there. Jacob was trying to climb up and Nathan kept telling him "jacob you can do it"... which melted my heart. Jacob was so motivated he started to climb (sometimes w/ a little help from mom). Jacob went down the slide w/ me first. Then the second time.. I laid him back and sent him down. He LOVED it. So the third time I thought I would get it on tape.... Little did I know it would be my "Mother of the year award" (as barb and I tease)for this video. Check it out.... that kid!!!!

He was sooooo pooped out!!!

 We watched the Aggie game at Sylvia and Jake's house this last week. We ate BBQ and Celebrated Jake turning old (30)!! Auntie Kim and Uncle Dave spoiled Nathan w/ all sorts of fun games on their high tech phone. (we just have boring ones:() Nathan played all sorts of games and still asks to play them on mine.... to bad Nathan .. mom isn't as cool as Dave and Kim!!
What? He's teething. He finally shut up for 2 mins~
Jacob is teething... Jake is practicing for his own little baby!
So Jacobs best big boy friend turned 1 this last weekend. Happy B-day Luke! We all had a blast at his party.  I cant believe that Jacob Tanner will turn one in less than a month!!! YIKES!!! The boys played in the sand box ate cake and just had fun.
Boy and Cake= Happy b-day!
Here is Jacob putting the moves on Lukes very young looking grandma:)

Nathan helping Luke open his gifts!
sweet boy and the sand.

Standing up!

brothers playing

and we thought he was asleep... ?
Nathan loves balloons and thinks all birthdays are HIS!

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