So this last week Nathan has expanded his vocabulary in some fun and interesting ways. He was on the floor and I had the laptop on the table checking my email when he says "Mom its dusty" I thought there is NO WAY that he understands what he just said. I looked down on the floor and well he was right. I went and got the swiffer and he requested a "ppshhh ppshhh", which means spray pledge on it. He proceeded to clean under the table for 4 mins.
This week Nathan also request that "Mom leave, get out" of his room. He tells Jacob to "Go play baby". We are getting quite bossy this last few weeks.
I was changing Jacobs poopie diaper last week when Nathan walks up and says "Baby poop nugget" (word coutesy of aunt BB). Brian looked at me and said "Did he just say poop nugget?".... and yes that was what he said. Well yesterday we went to play at the park because it was so beautiful outside. We had been there an hour or so and it was starting to get busy and crowded. Nathan yells from the top of the jungle gym. "Mom I need to go poo poo". I said " Ok come down here and we can go to the potty". He gets to the top of the slide now getting most giggling adults attention and yells "MOM, I GOT A POOP NUGGET" TWICE! I was so embarrassed.
Two nights ago he yells from his room about 5 mins after we put him to bed. Brian opens the door and Nathan says "Im stuck" Brian turns on the lights to find this.....
Lesson learned about nicknaming fun things that you dont want said in public. He is very sweet in saying "Thank you" and "I welcome" though. We were at chick-fil-a and the lady asked if I wanted a refill. Nathan replys "NO THANK YOU". I really did want a refill but I was impressed w/ his reply!!!
On the redneck baby front we have a second upper front tooth (5th tooth total). We have graduated to classy baby! It broke though last night. But we have a way to go before we catch up to our good pal luke who had the most precious front baby teeth ever!! When we catch up we will take a good pic of them both! Jacob is my trophy eating baby. I can put anything in front of him and he eats it w/ out help, but makes a total mess!~
Well we caught our first pet turtle ( I didnt scream once thank you) I rescued him from the middle of the road in copperfield. I told Nathan we had a new pet Timmy the turtle. We fed him some food and talked to him. Later that night I let him go after the kids went to sleep. The next day we had to go look for timmy for an hour. Nathans yelling "Timmy where are you?". To much dismay we never found timmy but we look for him daily. I didnt think that Nathan would be this interested in timmy much less remember him, but he is getting so big so fast I forget that he is 2 now! We visited GiGi on sunday and played w/ Uncle Craig and cousing DC. The boys had a blast playing in the cool air and running around like crazy. For being an immunocompromised kid my nephew is all dirty boy. That kids was in the mud, grass and weeds just like a cricket! It was all fun and games till DC ran into the cattle guard! The screen door was also a great source of fun for the day! Jacob found domino's are fun to bounce on the floor and found new places to explore.
Along the same lines... Nan and Granddad came over the other night and had dinner w/ us and spoiled the kids w/ ice cream cake (nathan also talks about it daily!). Grand dad said he would have to take Nathan fishing and Nan said he would have to come see the calves. He was super excited to go see calves until i explained they were baby cows. It seeemed to break his heart. He thought it was something else! LOL. Anyhow we have requested to go fishing daily so i think we will take the fishing pole out today on a walk and go throw it in the pond and fish some today.
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