Thursday, September 23, 2010

" I dont like you"

          So Nathan didn't sleep well at Mothers Day Out today. I was having a trophy of a day being late to drop Nathan off, missing bible study to run mindless errands, and getting NO sleep last night from Nathan coughing and Jacob having a 2 hour night party in his crib.

         To top it all off, I was encouraging Nathan to go down for a nap. He had gotten out of bed for the 5th time when I had had it. He had woke up Jacob, and I was so mad I put him in bed and said "If you get out of bed again your getting your butt whooped." His reply "I don't like YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

        My reply was "I am your mother, your not supposed to like me. I do whats best for you smartie!"

     So we have reached a new level of communication w/ my eldest son. He is chatting up a storm and getting whittier by the minute. However he can be such a good child and is so glad to be a big brother.

    We went to go on a walk tonight and Jacob was pushing his wagon. He wanted Jacob to push him so then we took turns and Nathan went to push Jacob. We got quite a laugh out of how much they each enjoyed the ride. Nathan took Jacob all the way down to Mrs. Myrna's house and back to greet our neighbors out for a nightly walk.

    Nathan likes to ask "where daddy is?" when daddy is at work. Its so cute I haven't corrected him yet but need to! He is talking so much. I ask him "what is daddy doing at work?" He says "he fixes teeth." He is so smart already!

    Speaking of teeth.. ol' redneck baby is still working on teeth on his upper left side. I can see something... we just aren't there yet! He is an endless eater though. He polished off every bit of fruit I put in front of him. He even tore up the ravioli's the other night. He is an eating machine. Nathan is not liking the new threat "you better eat it or I will give it to Jacob."

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