So we headed out of the house knowing A) we needed gas B) some things from kroger C) a carpet stretcher from harbor freight (2 rooms have a bump in the carpet thats driving me nuts)
I get out of the car to get the kids out and into the store and Nathan says "Hold me mommy" which means I don't want to walk. Both kids had a fever this morning so they wanted to be snuggled all day. He started to fuss and I told him "you cannot wine like a girl when you wear camo, its a man thing": This guy walking next to us wearing camo about spit his gatorade all over himself. We went into harbor freight store I find what I need and turn around and Nathan is holding something I cannot identify and says "I need it". I told him "You dont even know what it is and neither do I, you do not need it". He procceded to do it 2 more times. We get to the front and I am checking out and he says to the check out lady. "I'm Two old." "I like sharks", "I see flashlight, I like flashlight". The lady proceeds to give me 20% off and rings up the flashlight and writes it off. So Nathans day was going great. New flashlight (as if he doesn't have enough already)
Next door is the dollar store, we perused on in there just to shop around. I suggested to go see the toys. Nathan instantly found a little dollar bag full of sharks and said "Mama I need it." Picking my battles I said yes. He has been in love with sharks since we went to the shark reef in las vegas. We are going up to the front when some glow in the dark stars caught my eye.. then all of a sudden I got hit in the back of the head with something. I turn around to Nathan holding a blue pool noodle and he says "I hit mama" w/ a huge smile. I couldnt resist. We left the dollar store w/ a blue noodle, a bag of sharks, and glow in the dark stars.
While in Kroger I didn't notice Nathan was taking coupons out of the instant coupon holders and sticking them in his pockets. I was to busy making sure he didn't leave shark in some weird place. We were buying diapers when he said he wanted "pink" ones. I said absolutely not your father would never forgive me! We are checking out when nathan who is standing in the cart at my height finds the "ring for good service" bell and proceeds to ring a ding ding this thing. All the clerks yell and whistle when you ring it. So he just kept ringing it. I handed the guy my coupons and turn to get my wallet when nathan unloads all of his coupons. The guy eneded up scanning like 5 dollars in coupons on stuff I didn't even buy.. WHOOPS! I guess thats Nathans way of earning his toys! What a ham!
Jacob is also learning some stinker behavior from his brother. Here he starts w/ kissing noises... and proceeds to do this and spit food everywhere. I started correcting him and this is what happens.....
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Learning new words
So this last week Nathan has expanded his vocabulary in some fun and interesting ways. He was on the floor and I had the laptop on the table checking my email when he says "Mom its dusty" I thought there is NO WAY that he understands what he just said. I looked down on the floor and well he was right. I went and got the swiffer and he requested a "ppshhh ppshhh", which means spray pledge on it. He proceeded to clean under the table for 4 mins.
This week Nathan also request that "Mom leave, get out" of his room. He tells Jacob to "Go play baby". We are getting quite bossy this last few weeks.
I was changing Jacobs poopie diaper last week when Nathan walks up and says "Baby poop nugget" (word coutesy of aunt BB). Brian looked at me and said "Did he just say poop nugget?".... and yes that was what he said. Well yesterday we went to play at the park because it was so beautiful outside. We had been there an hour or so and it was starting to get busy and crowded. Nathan yells from the top of the jungle gym. "Mom I need to go poo poo". I said " Ok come down here and we can go to the potty". He gets to the top of the slide now getting most giggling adults attention and yells "MOM, I GOT A POOP NUGGET" TWICE! I was so embarrassed.
Two nights ago he yells from his room about 5 mins after we put him to bed. Brian opens the door and Nathan says "Im stuck" Brian turns on the lights to find this.....
Lesson learned about nicknaming fun things that you dont want said in public. He is very sweet in saying "Thank you" and "I welcome" though. We were at chick-fil-a and the lady asked if I wanted a refill. Nathan replys "NO THANK YOU". I really did want a refill but I was impressed w/ his reply!!!
On the redneck baby front we have a second upper front tooth (5th tooth total). We have graduated to classy baby! It broke though last night. But we have a way to go before we catch up to our good pal luke who had the most precious front baby teeth ever!! When we catch up we will take a good pic of them both! Jacob is my trophy eating baby. I can put anything in front of him and he eats it w/ out help, but makes a total mess!~
Well we caught our first pet turtle ( I didnt scream once thank you) I rescued him from the middle of the road in copperfield. I told Nathan we had a new pet Timmy the turtle. We fed him some food and talked to him. Later that night I let him go after the kids went to sleep. The next day we had to go look for timmy for an hour. Nathans yelling "Timmy where are you?". To much dismay we never found timmy but we look for him daily. I didnt think that Nathan would be this interested in timmy much less remember him, but he is getting so big so fast I forget that he is 2 now! We visited GiGi on sunday and played w/ Uncle Craig and cousing DC. The boys had a blast playing in the cool air and running around like crazy. For being an immunocompromised kid my nephew is all dirty boy. That kids was in the mud, grass and weeds just like a cricket! It was all fun and games till DC ran into the cattle guard! The screen door was also a great source of fun for the day! Jacob found domino's are fun to bounce on the floor and found new places to explore.
Along the same lines... Nan and Granddad came over the other night and had dinner w/ us and spoiled the kids w/ ice cream cake (nathan also talks about it daily!). Grand dad said he would have to take Nathan fishing and Nan said he would have to come see the calves. He was super excited to go see calves until i explained they were baby cows. It seeemed to break his heart. He thought it was something else! LOL. Anyhow we have requested to go fishing daily so i think we will take the fishing pole out today on a walk and go throw it in the pond and fish some today.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
" I dont like you"
So Nathan didn't sleep well at Mothers Day Out today. I was having a trophy of a day being late to drop Nathan off, missing bible study to run mindless errands, and getting NO sleep last night from Nathan coughing and Jacob having a 2 hour night party in his crib.
To top it all off, I was encouraging Nathan to go down for a nap. He had gotten out of bed for the 5th time when I had had it. He had woke up Jacob, and I was so mad I put him in bed and said "If you get out of bed again your getting your butt whooped." His reply "I don't like YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
My reply was "I am your mother, your not supposed to like me. I do whats best for you smartie!"
So we have reached a new level of communication w/ my eldest son. He is chatting up a storm and getting whittier by the minute. However he can be such a good child and is so glad to be a big brother.
We went to go on a walk tonight and Jacob was pushing his wagon. He wanted Jacob to push him so then we took turns and Nathan went to push Jacob. We got quite a laugh out of how much they each enjoyed the ride. Nathan took Jacob all the way down to Mrs. Myrna's house and back to greet our neighbors out for a nightly walk.
Nathan likes to ask "where daddy is?" when daddy is at work. Its so cute I haven't corrected him yet but need to! He is talking so much. I ask him "what is daddy doing at work?" He says "he fixes teeth." He is so smart already!
Speaking of teeth.. ol' redneck baby is still working on teeth on his upper left side. I can see something... we just aren't there yet! He is an endless eater though. He polished off every bit of fruit I put in front of him. He even tore up the ravioli's the other night. He is an eating machine. Nathan is not liking the new threat "you better eat it or I will give it to Jacob."
To top it all off, I was encouraging Nathan to go down for a nap. He had gotten out of bed for the 5th time when I had had it. He had woke up Jacob, and I was so mad I put him in bed and said "If you get out of bed again your getting your butt whooped." His reply "I don't like YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
My reply was "I am your mother, your not supposed to like me. I do whats best for you smartie!"
So we have reached a new level of communication w/ my eldest son. He is chatting up a storm and getting whittier by the minute. However he can be such a good child and is so glad to be a big brother.
Nathan likes to ask "where daddy is?" when daddy is at work. Its so cute I haven't corrected him yet but need to! He is talking so much. I ask him "what is daddy doing at work?" He says "he fixes teeth." He is so smart already!
Speaking of teeth.. ol' redneck baby is still working on teeth on his upper left side. I can see something... we just aren't there yet! He is an endless eater though. He polished off every bit of fruit I put in front of him. He even tore up the ravioli's the other night. He is an eating machine. Nathan is not liking the new threat "you better eat it or I will give it to Jacob."
Friday, September 17, 2010
Where do I start.....
Well here is monkey see.. and monkey do starting off w/ a healthy breakfast of fruit! They had the giggles and couldn't resist taking their pic!
Nathan for the first time was able to climb up into the McDonalds playplay all by himself! He screamed and climbed around for a good 10 mins before he came down and requested to "wash hands"! Weird kid loves to be clean!
We visited the Washington Co. Fair today and let the boys go see all the prize animals! Nathan had a ball and Jacob just watched w/ big eyes! We didnt stay too long because it was HOT! But here are some highlights!
We also have a few new first for Jacob! He got to go on his first walk and be pulled in the redneck blue car. He seemed to really enjoy it. We pulled Nathan in it when he was little and figured Jacob would like it too!
Jacob also got in another tooth!~ We are currently calling him a reckneck baby because he has two bottom teeth and two top teeth~! The kicker is the two top teeth are the upper left central and lateral. He is about to get in the other lateral, which means he will have three teeth up top and the one missing will be a middle one!

We dressed him in camo and a wife beater to celebrate his redneck teeth! He loved it! Little tooth-
less grin!
Tonight we were hanging out w/ Uncle Steve and Aunt Alicia and Jacob walked w/ his walker! We did it for about 7 or 8 times! I am so excited!!!! Here he is in action........
Nathan for the first time was able to climb up into the McDonalds playplay all by himself! He screamed and climbed around for a good 10 mins before he came down and requested to "wash hands"! Weird kid loves to be clean!
We visited the Washington Co. Fair today and let the boys go see all the prize animals! Nathan had a ball and Jacob just watched w/ big eyes! We didnt stay too long because it was HOT! But here are some highlights!
We also have a few new first for Jacob! He got to go on his first walk and be pulled in the redneck blue car. He seemed to really enjoy it. We pulled Nathan in it when he was little and figured Jacob would like it too!
Jacob also got in another tooth!~ We are currently calling him a reckneck baby because he has two bottom teeth and two top teeth~! The kicker is the two top teeth are the upper left central and lateral. He is about to get in the other lateral, which means he will have three teeth up top and the one missing will be a middle one!
less grin!
Tonight we were hanging out w/ Uncle Steve and Aunt Alicia and Jacob walked w/ his walker! We did it for about 7 or 8 times! I am so excited!!!! Here he is in action........
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I kill bug!
The morning started off w/ Nathan saying "MOM, I see bug" ... so I go into his room to find him pointing at a small beetle bug. He says "Kill Bug, Kill bug!" It was apparent that he stabbed it to death w/ a pair of childrens fingernail clippers.
I said "OK, its dead go get me some toilet paper and we can flush him".... I hear Nathan run down the hall and was keeping Jacob from playing w/ the small lifeless beetle. I realize it is taking longer than it should and start to say "Nathan, I said get ...." when i walked into the bathroom to find it empty.
Then I hear the patter of running feet on the hardwood floor and see him darting out of my room w/ toilet paper in hand at speeds that would impress any mother! He hands it to me so proud ( I realized I had taken the paper off the roll in his bathroom because Jacob unrolls it and Nathan thinks he has to wipe 100 times before he does anything on the potty) I scoop up the bug and hand it to Nathan who is patiently waiting to flush the lifeless bug. He grabbs it and darts out of the room.... right past his bathroom..... all the way through the house... to my bathroom. Where he flushed the bug bye bye.
Nathan is getting rather annoyed now that he has a shadow. The days where Nathan is in mothers day out are extremely exhausting as I have to be his playmate when Big Brother is gone! But they couldn't be more alike!
We also didnt have nap time today until 7:45... he woke up at 9:15 and asked for milk.. drank it on the potty, brushed his teeth and put him back in bed. I am hoping that he doesnt get up at 6 tomorrow morning. I found him like this at 7:30... too sweet!
Jacob on the other hand was wide awake and watched Brian and I P90X (workout) He crawled all around us doing our ab workout... it made it go by so much faster watching him laughing at us! He was and still is up and its almost 11:30! That late nap screwed everyone up!
I said "OK, its dead go get me some toilet paper and we can flush him".... I hear Nathan run down the hall and was keeping Jacob from playing w/ the small lifeless beetle. I realize it is taking longer than it should and start to say "Nathan, I said get ...." when i walked into the bathroom to find it empty.
Then I hear the patter of running feet on the hardwood floor and see him darting out of my room w/ toilet paper in hand at speeds that would impress any mother! He hands it to me so proud ( I realized I had taken the paper off the roll in his bathroom because Jacob unrolls it and Nathan thinks he has to wipe 100 times before he does anything on the potty) I scoop up the bug and hand it to Nathan who is patiently waiting to flush the lifeless bug. He grabbs it and darts out of the room.... right past his bathroom..... all the way through the house... to my bathroom. Where he flushed the bug bye bye.
Nathan is getting rather annoyed now that he has a shadow. The days where Nathan is in mothers day out are extremely exhausting as I have to be his playmate when Big Brother is gone! But they couldn't be more alike!
We also didnt have nap time today until 7:45... he woke up at 9:15 and asked for milk.. drank it on the potty, brushed his teeth and put him back in bed. I am hoping that he doesnt get up at 6 tomorrow morning. I found him like this at 7:30... too sweet!
Jacob on the other hand was wide awake and watched Brian and I P90X (workout) He crawled all around us doing our ab workout... it made it go by so much faster watching him laughing at us! He was and still is up and its almost 11:30! That late nap screwed everyone up!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Fun Weekend
Well we thought we would take advantage of Friday Night Out at Nathans MDO(mothers day out). You drop your kids off at 6 and pick then up at 10, giving us a "NIGHT OUT". Upon signing the kids in, the sheet asks your destination. I paused thinking, writing the Dixie chicken is prob not to appropriate so I wrote Fish Daddy's! LOL We did go there first after all. We went out to eat w/ our great friends the Bowers, then proceeded to go to the Dixie Chicken to play dominoes!
Yvette and Elizabeth came in town for the game and joined us for festivities when I got the dreaded phone call. "DAWN" she said. "Yes" I answered. "Nathan threw up, your going to need to come pick him up". I looked up at everyone and explained the sad news. We had gotten 2.5 hours out of the night so it was successful. He was fine. Nathan was coughing and it just caused him to throw up. Something he has done a lot this week. We are all getting better though. Everyone slept through the night friday night so I am excited to say, but then saturday we were up all night again! UGGGG! We are ready for everyone to be feeling better already!
We enjoyed playing w/ happy kids this weekend. Both Nathan and Jacob enjoyed having Auntie Yaya and Elizabeth here to play with.
Nathan found our connect 4 game and its his new favorite toy. He is so funny I walked in and found him arranging them all red first and black last. He is so particular about how he does things we love to laugh at him.
Jacob is pulling up, speed crawling, and cruzing everywhere. He doesn't realize he can walk yet, but he can. I was dressing him this morning and he fit into an outfit Nathan stopped wearing 2 months ago!!! A 18 month t-shirt and 12 month shorts! At his 9 month apt they said he was in the 90% in height and I believe it! They are getting so big.
Yvette and Elizabeth came in town for the game and joined us for festivities when I got the dreaded phone call. "DAWN" she said. "Yes" I answered. "Nathan threw up, your going to need to come pick him up". I looked up at everyone and explained the sad news. We had gotten 2.5 hours out of the night so it was successful. He was fine. Nathan was coughing and it just caused him to throw up. Something he has done a lot this week. We are all getting better though. Everyone slept through the night friday night so I am excited to say, but then saturday we were up all night again! UGGGG! We are ready for everyone to be feeling better already!
We enjoyed playing w/ happy kids this weekend. Both Nathan and Jacob enjoyed having Auntie Yaya and Elizabeth here to play with.

Jacob is pulling up, speed crawling, and cruzing everywhere. He doesn't realize he can walk yet, but he can. I was dressing him this morning and he fit into an outfit Nathan stopped wearing 2 months ago!!! A 18 month t-shirt and 12 month shorts! At his 9 month apt they said he was in the 90% in height and I believe it! They are getting so big.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Really... I mean really.
Seriously ... sickness go away. Today I had to pleasure of NOT being thrown up on but of cleaning a very intricate car seat because Jacob puked in it.
None the less, on the way to taking Nathan to his first day of MDO this Fall, so we had to go back home. Nathan did have a good first day at school though. It was bring your bear day so he took Mimi his sheep and his bear. He did not like me leaving but after i was gone had a great time!
Snotty nosed fussy children are kinda downers if you know what I am saying. We managed to get a few smiles in today when we had a chance.
None the less, on the way to taking Nathan to his first day of MDO this Fall, so we had to go back home. Nathan did have a good first day at school though. It was bring your bear day so he took Mimi his sheep and his bear. He did not like me leaving but after i was gone had a great time!
Snotty nosed fussy children are kinda downers if you know what I am saying. We managed to get a few smiles in today when we had a chance.
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