Sunday, January 20, 2013


So in the last three weeks Jacob has really grown up. He is talking more clear, can independent play, he is being polite,has mastered shapes and colors and some letters and is eating like a big boy should. He has tried stuffing, carrots, corn, chicken spaghetti, peas, pizza, hamburger, ribs, chicken pot pie (he specifically ate all the veggies!) spaghetti O's and BEANS.

Tonight I must have pushed him a little too far... he took two bites of beans (yes covered in ketchup.. he is after all my kid!) and fought the gag reflex as he may.. they came up. He tells me "mama Im ok... i don't like beans" So I guess at least he tried it! LOL. But he has now learned that if he tries food, he gets a treat. He always chooses pop corn or yogurt. I love that those are his "treats"!

He jumps (he thinks its him getting taller) and shows us his muscles so I like to push down on top of his head and tell him I don't want him to grow. He laughs so hard and says I cant stop him!

He, unlike his older brother, does not like to cooperate when we are learning school work. However we put him in charge of shape and color flash cards. He lays them out in a
"pattern" and when I move them he says "NO MOM GREEN GOES HERE AND RED GOES HERE".. that's how I found out he knew every color except brown. He will not identify them, but he will correct me if I move them. Funny kid. I guess that is part of parenting,... figuring out what works!

He peed outside yesterday and came up to me in tears saying "somethings wrong".  Took me about a min to figure out that he pulled his pants up and his underwear didn't go with it. (it looked fine from looking at his jeans, but he was NOT happy) Cracked me up. We fixed the situation and he told me i was the "best mama ever"..... its the little miracles!

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