Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Inappropraite Parental Jokes

       So the weather has been so nice outside this week. We have been playing outside in the evenings to tire the boys out. Jacob runs in the house, opens the freezer. He gets out an ice pack and runs back outside. So now I am curious, and follow him out. Brian and I are watching the boys from the comfy chairs on the back porch. They start a funny game of tossing the cold pack (which is a HARD cold pack) up into the playhouse. Then a fun game of tossing it up the slide to one another. Nathan who can control his throw was fun to watch. THEN it was Jacobs turn to throw it to Nathan. After the 5th wild toss I tell Brian "yeah that's prob not the best idea to let Jacob throw a cold pack at Nathan." Brian reply's "well it is a cold pack it, it is self soothing." We both snicker and sit back and continue to watch.

Now that's great parenting! (Note: this is ok because we are BOY parents!) LOLOL

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