Baby Spence face... yes there is distortion.. No michelle his brian is not showing! LOL |
Well this was such a surprise. I have never had a 3d image of any of my kids and at my last apt during the sonogram the tech switched it over to 3d and I got to see my sweet baby boy!
(Love Dr. Gayles new office upgrades!) She spent like 30 mins doing the 3d pics and it was so neat to see his little face. From what I can tell he has the Spence mouth, but he has MY tiny ears and my nose (like Nathan)~ He moves around a lot!!!
He was yawning! |
For all those who think there is still a chance i can have a girl... green arrow says your wrong! |
here is proof he has a little fist and is punching me... we might have to call him rocky! |
I am 7 months today~ I am so excited to meet this little guy. The boys have come up w/ a million names (our fav past time in the car is naming him!) Though we are still taking suggestion for sure~ J wants to name him SNAKE OR TIGGER... but he HATES RUFUS! LOL.. N wants to name him LION or JD (his new baby cousins name!) ! So who knows what name this kid will end up with!
I have gotten the baby room started, bed is up. I really want to do some special stuff like pinterest projects of his name... but cant start that on a nameless baby!
Awwwww! Great pics! And, I'm w/ J-you should go w/ Snake. Lol!